Contributed by Bethany Reynolds

We’re all in the same boat right now with our access to gyms and studios during this “shelter in place” time. This unique opportunity has given most of us extra time in the day. What should we do with that extra time? Try adding in more exercise. I’m a trainer and group fitness instructor and know how to structure workouts but following along to a different trainers workout is less stressful for my mind. Why? Because it means I don’t have to think about what’s next, and all I have to do is focus on my own form and performance. The last 2 weeks my workouts have been easily accessible and fun to follow because of the free virtual classes offered by JKFITNESS. If you are looking to exercise and to feel a part of a community then you should join in on the fun. If you want a full-body workout using only body weight then try out the Monday & Wednesday “Boot Camp” classes. If you want to focus more on glutes and toning your arms using dumbbells try out the Tuesday “Buns and Guns” class. If you want to stretch and feel more mobile then try out the Wednesday morning “Hatha Yoga” class. If you are looking for stretching with a little strength burn try out “Power Yoga” on Thursdays. If you want to try out Barre and work your mid-section and your not afraid of isometrics then the Friday “Core” class will make you feel the burn.
All of the classes have minimal requirements. Mainly you, some space to move around, and maybe a mat for comfort. So why not try them out? If you have a favorite type of workout that we are not offering I hope you let us know. We would love to hear from you. Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy.