Free, Effective, and Fun (at-home) Workouts

Contributed by Bethany Reynolds We’re all in the same boat right now with our access to gyms and studios during this “shelter in place” time. This unique opportunity has given most of us extra time in the day. What should we do with that extra time? Try adding in more exercise. I’m a trainer and …

Many Emotions

Many Emotions Provided by Julia Karlstad, M.Ed., CSCS-NSCA, SFN-ISSA Today I have felt many emotions as it relates to our nation’s current situation related to COVID-19.  I know I am not alone as many of you have also felt many emotions. Today I have cried Today I have laughed Today I have felt fear Today …

Head to the Barre

Head to the Barre Contributed by Bethany Reynolds Health & Fitness Professional As trainers at JKFITNESS we are always seeking new ways to help our clients reach their goals. I recently sought out a Barre certification. The barre technique is a workout routine that combines elements of ballet, Pilates, yoga, and light weight training into …

Encouraging Exercise and Activity to Kids and Teens

Encouraging Exercise and Activity to Kids and Teens Are there kids or teens in your life asking questions about exercise? There are numerous pitfalls in the fitness industry that we want to protect kids from. Magazines and social media promote perfection and set unrealistic expectations. We want to promote health and fitness and the value …

“No Pain, No Gain” – Not really.

Contributed by Dani Barbosa Health & Fitness Professional “No Pain, No Gain” – Not really. Many people have come to believe the fake news, that is a workout must be grueling and leave you sore for days to be effective. Well, I am here to drop some truth bombs on you… Following this “no pain, …

Benefits of Exercise (Beyond Weight Loss)

Contributed by Bethany Reynolds Health & Fitness Professional What are 5 Benefits of Exercise? Now that you are thinking about some of the good reasons to exercise. Do you automatically think about your bathroom scale? Lets think beyond exercise for weight loss, the benefits are not limited to losing weight. Yes exercise can help control …

Move More, Sit Less: The Dangers of Sitting

Move More, Sit Less: The Dangers of Sitting Extended periods of sitting can be putting you at risk for several health problems and setting you back from reaching your health and fitness goals. Prolonged inactivity puts you at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. So, what can we do to …

New Year’s Resolution Fail? No Problem!

Contributed by Dustin Gonzales Health & Fitness Professional New Year’s Resolution Fail? No Problem! What are the reasons for making a new year’s resolution? Is it simply weight loss, building strength, or increasing endurance? Have you been successful yet? If not, what’s the deal and why aren’t we making any progress? Some resolutions just aren’t …

Suns Out, Guns Out!

Contributed by Bethany Reynolds Health & Fitness Professional Suns Out, Guns Out! With Spring right around the corner, you know tanks and short sleeves will be trending and in South-Central Texas, the trend will be around until Thanksgiving. I bet you have been walking, squatting, and planking all winter. Keep up the good work and make …